OFFGRID TECH serves in four different ways:
Teaching: OFFGRID TECH works with the ETHNOS360 training programs to introduce remote living and offgrid technologies to candidates. We also offer training seminars for ministers serving with other likeminded organizations. MORE…
Equipping: OFFGRID TECH has developed a network with manufacturers and distributors that allows us to purchase off-grid equipment at significant discounts. We pass this savings along to our clients along with value added design and consulting services at no charge. MORE…
Consulting: Each of our systems are custom tailored according to the needs of each missionary. We also offer consulting and design services for larger PV Systems for organizations that are working remotely overseas; including mission centers, hospitals, seminaries, radio stations and other likeminded organizations. MORE…
Helping: It is our privilege to serve. We will help and assist whenever feasible, including onsite installation of larger PV Systems. OFFGRID TECH also offers an advanced “Tech Specialist Course” to train individuals who desire to serve in the role of “Technical Helps” on the mission field. MORE…
Our Roots
The roots of OFFGRID TECH go back to 1975, when our founder Tim See saw a need on the mission field for remote technology assistance.
Tim grew up in Haiti as a missionary’s kid. After graduating from college, he came to the NTM training (Now ETHNOS360). The leadership of the school recognized his experience and skills and asked his wife Chris and him to stay and help train others. Starting in 1975, Tim would reply to questions from missionaries via postal mail. For years he offered optional technical training, after class hours, to anyone interested. In 2000, his training became a required course at the Training Center. The NTM Tech Center was formed. The first class was called Missionary Technology and covered many technical topics that an overseas missionary would encounter. With the advent of email he was able to answer questions much quicker. Today, our entire team helps with the email correspondence and consultation. There is now even an expanded network of assistance so that if a missionary encounters a very specialized problem, our team is able to engage with professional engineers in that specific field and assist in resolving the problem. See Serve if you are interested in helping in this capacity.
In 2018, the NTM Tech Center became simply “OFFGRID TECH”. In its many years of history this ministry has provided equipment for thousands of missionaries around the world.
OFFGRID TECH is a ministry of ETHNOS360. Ethnos360 was founded as New Tribes Mission in 1942 with the goal of reaching people who have no access to the Gospel, often called Unreached People Groups. That has been and still is the vision for our ministry.
We thank God for the rich heritage passed on to us by a small group of people who decided, in Paul Fleming’s words, “New Tribes Mission’s efforts shall be directed … where no witness of the Gospel has yet reached.”
For more on the History of Ethnos360 and NTM, visit